Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Kate's room - video
Here's a 360 degree view of the room.
Kate's room
This shot is looking left at the dresser and the corner shelf. Both are yard sale finds. Some elbow grease and some paint sure make a difference. I'm sure the lanterns will not stay there as the dresser top will soon be covered with wipes and diapers and everything else Kate will need.
My confession - I am a packrat
garbage bags of "stuff".
The old tent that Mom and Dad's neighbours gave me in the late 80's when they moved... gone! It worked great as long as it didn't rain, then it always seemed to drop right on my head. I have another (2 actually) so I'm still ok for camping next summer.
The gigantic Shop Vac that was perfectly fine (if it just had a new motor) and someone was throwing out... gone! After over a year of sitting there waiting for me to get a price on getting the motor fixed... it's off to the scrap pile.
The grocery bag full of sand... I don't know where that came from. How does a bag of sand make it into the basement of our house?
Here's my system.... everything gets categorized into 4 areas... keep, eBay, yard sale or trash. I pick it up and ask myself "Do I need this?", then if I don't, I ask myself "Can I sell this for anything on eBay?" If not, it goes to the yard sale pile for next summer and if it's not even
yard sale worthy, then it just goes to the trash. It's actually quite freeing to de-clutter.
Why am I purging? Have you seen the size of those kids' toys??? We thought we had a big house until strollers started being wheeled in, massive Little Tykes toys took root, and stuffed animals started their quiet march to Kate's room. Wow, does this stuff pile up quickly. Lets hope she enjoys books... they take a lot less space!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Citizenship for international adoptees
Just a teaser from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/adoptees.asp). It doesn’t tell us a whole lot as to when or what will be involved, or how to go about doing this.
In December 2007, Canada’s citizenship law will be amended to allow Canadian citizens who adopt a child from a foreign country the option of applying for Canadian citizenship for their adopted child without first having to apply for permanent residence. Adopted persons who are adults may apply for themselves. This amendment will only apply to persons adopted after February 14, 1977. More information on this change will soon become available.
The adoption has been approved by the province

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Welcome to Walmart
The first thing I notice is how different and how BIG they look from the outside. I'm also fascinated by the contrast of colors in China. It seems that most things are either very drab and bland in colors or exploding with colors. Colors don't stand out here in Canada, but everything seems so extreme in China. Look at all the colors in the 1st picture, with the courtyard and all the colors surrounding it. Maybe it's just me.
Anyway, it looks like quite an adventure. I cant wait!
Monday, October 22, 2007
getting the small stuff out of the way
It’s the calm before the storm right now… time to get all of those little projects completed.
I’m a great one for starting a project, getting it 95% done then venturing off to do something else. So, this week, I have to address all of those leftover chores around the house and get those under control.The weekend was a productive one with us getting a lot of the regular fall projects under control. Things I would normally do in mid to late November need to be done now. My neighbours were probably wondering why I was playing with my snow blower in +20 degree weather yesterday but I may not have time to do that in late November.
I love the fall colors on the trees and love to see the leaves stay as long as they can but I just wish they’d all drop off the tress (at least in my yard) so I can get the mulching and raking and bagging over with now instead of in another few weeks. Once again, I don’t know how much time I’ll have.
The annual winter / summer clothes rotation is also done, at least for my stuff. I was in a particularly minimalist mood last night and we got rid of a garbage bag of clothes of mine. How many drawers of t-shirts does one guy need anyway? Off to the Salvation Army they go before I change my mind.
Our flight has been booked but our itinerary for in
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Our flights are booked
We leave Moncton on December 5 @ 5:55 and get into Beijing on Dec 6 @ 13:05.
We leave Beijing on December 20 @ 15:00 and get into Moncton @ 20:45. So thats early enough that we hope to see ALL of you at the airport.
It looks like we'll be on Air Canada's 777 between Beijing and Toronto. It appears to be huge and quite nice from what I understand.
Oh Canada!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Our paperwork has been sent
Our todo list is 3 pages long and growing by the day. We're able to check things off of it each day so I think we should be able to get everything done before we go.
I'm off to begin the final touches on Kate's room. Pics of that will be up in the next day or so.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Kate is 11 months old today
Happy 11 months Kate. We hope you’re getting everything you need today.
Friday, October 12, 2007
When and where we'll be travelling
We'll frist fly to Beijing then fly to Chongqing on day 2 or so.
Here's some info on Chongqing and international adoption (from Research China dot Org)
Chongqing Municipality
Prior to 1997 Chongqing Municipality was part of Sichuan Province, and many adoptive families still refer to Chongqing in that way. In 1997, Chongqing City was merged with Fuling, Wanxian and Qianjiang to form Chongqing Municipality in a desire by China's central government to increase development in the western regions of China.
*In 2003, the CCAA began opening orphanages in the various districts around Chongqing, including Qianjiang, Hechuan, Liangping, Wanzhou, and others.*The number of orphanages in Chongqing Municipality tripled in 2003 to nine.
An additional three orphanages were opened in 2004, one in 2005, and two more in 2006 (although these two have not yet adopted internationally). By the end of 2006, 14 orphanages were adopting, or in the process of adopting, children internationally in Chongqing.
Prior to 2003, the largest adopting orphanage was Fuling District, which submitted 569 files to the CCAA. Chongqing City was the next largest, with 173 submissions in 2003. The rest of the top five were Dianjiang, Qianjiang, and Liangping, each of which submitted over 100 files to the CCAA. In all, 1,367 children were submitted for adoption in 2003.
Like most Provinces, Chongqing Municipality-area orphanages as a whole saw its numbers decrease. In 2006, the total number of files submitted for international adoption had decreased 33% to 910. The change was sporadic and inconsistent: Fuling's adoptions dropped 76% (to 135), while Xiushan increased over 600% (to 153). In 2006, the top five orphanages were Xiushan, Fuling, Qianjiang, Dianjiang, and Banan, with two of that group submitting less than 100 dossiers to the CCAA. On average, Chongqing's orphanages submitted 136 files in 2003, an average that dropped to 60 in 2006.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Meet Kate
Post # 1 on the new blog and what a better way to start than to introduce you to our little Kate Fu Qing Fillmore (pronounced TSing).
In one day, we got the pics and the documentation, met and reviewed it with the social worker, had our doctor OK everything, signed off on the paperwork, met with our Mandarin instructor to decipher parts of the document for us, had a party and are now posting a big YEEHAW to everyone! We just need to do the CB paperwork this weekend and we’re good to go!
So, here she is...
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